From August 21st, 2023 The Korumburra - Koo Wee Rup Veterinary clinics are changing the way we do after hours.

Our in-clinic after hours services will no longer be available.

LogoTo ensure our clients are still well cared for, the brilliant team at VetCheck 24/7 will be available to triage your calls and, if required, direct you to an open emergency clinic or organise an online consultation with a VetCheck veterinarian.

Refer to the list below for after-hours emergency clinics:

This hard decision has been made knowing that referral to an emergency clinic is the best option for your pet during these hours. This is due to ongoing staff shortages which puts increased pressure on our vets who have unsustainably made themselves available 24/7 until now.

Korumburra Vet

Contact Info

Opening Hours

MON – FRI 8:00am-5:45pm
SATURDAY 8:30am-11:45am

Koo Wee Rup Vet

Contact Info

Opening Hours

MON – FRI 8:30am-5:00pm